As a world class terminal, NPCT1 believes that business must not only be conducted according to the highest standards of economic efficiency but to the highest ethical standards as well. These standards for business practices reflect the Compnay’s long-term commitment to building our business that is successful, honest, responsible and fully compliant in which all its employees and stakeholders can take pride.
A person (employee, contractor, vendor, client or other relevant stakeholder) reporting wrong-doing, illegal, or unethical activity that can harm an organisation.Whistle Blowing is covered in the Company’s Code of Conduct which is embedded in the NPCT1 Company Regulation.
This Whistle Blowing Channel is designed to provide an opportunity for all employees as well as other relevant stakeholders to be able to submit confidential reports on indications of suspected violation of applicable business and moral ethical values, based on reliable and well informed evidence.
It is important to note that through this channel, employees or stakeholders will be given protection both in terms of identity, confidentiality or the possibility of any detrimental consequences by the reported party.
Please note that this Whistle Blowing Channel is only to serve non-commercial reports or complaints. You may report only if your report fit under the following criteria:
May You submit your report by filling in the report form or via email to:
May You submit your report for finding of Gratification Case via email to:
Should you choose to submit your reporting via email, please provide the following information: